Leaving out important details on long road trips

Yesterday Nicholas told me we were going on a road trip to San Francisco.

He neglected to inform me it was a trip to clear out a storage unit, and that car space would be questionable.

He also neglected to inform me of the possibility that the probability of riding in a styrofoam container would be higher than 0%.

This would not be the way I recommend anyone travel by car.

2013-08-27 15.01.52

Least of all myself.


The Eugene Parade

This morning I went to a parade.

Nicholas explained that it was something to experience, so experience a parade we did.


No parade experience is complete without a portable folding chair so when Nicholas’s dad went for coffee I took his chair for myself.


He came back, so it was back to the backpack for me.


Visit a parade : check.

Humour my best bear bud by going to a parade : check.

Ok, it was kind of fun to go see a parade.

Hiking the Green Lakes

I like to think I’m an active well rounded bear, so while we were up in Bend Oregon visiting Nicholas’ sister, we went out to Green Lakes for a morning hike.

They wouldn’t let me take chocolate because they thought it’d melt, so I brought the next best thing. Matching green chips.  They were so awesome they nearly exploded out of its own packaging.


Of course we stopped for a family portrait at the lakes.


And then we hiked back.


And that was all.