My impressions of CES

This year, I got to go to CES for the first time.  The opportunity to be surrounded by tech and gaming gadgets?  Two words : bear heaven.

Except it was about as crowded as my last year’s Chinese New Year experience.  Should have known.

Still, I happily wandered the isles checking out weird fitness gadgets and trackers.  And then we were at the 3D printer section.

3D printers!

Ever since I can remember, I’ve wanted a 3D printer.  See, being a bear my size is tough.  Things aren’t usually sized for spirit bears.  I’ve gotten by this whole time because my bear bud occasionally throws me a bone and makes me things my size (like my sweet commander jacket and commander chair), but really we all know life would be more bear-able with more bear sized things.

So with much excitement I came across a contest!  The New Matter guys were releasing an affordable <$400 3D printer and they were going to give away one every day!  My chance to win one!  (Too bad I missed it when they were $149 earlybird)

I followed the rules and tweeted my selfie to them:

number one fan-1

Didn’t win yesterday but fingers crossed since today’s my last chance!

Wandering on, we ended up at the car section.  I don’t care much for cars but I’d heard that they were previewing hydrogen cars and I wanted to see one for myself.  We didn’t end up finding it but I did come across an orange car.

sumi bear at ces 2015-1

And then one my size!!  Woah!

sumi bear at ces 2015-2

Maybe I can 3D print my own car in the future???

We continued to check out more cars, including checking out the Ford driving simulator

sumi bear at ces 2015-3

And then finally onto the gaming section.  Check this out!  A VirtuixOmni!

sumi bear at ces 2015 games-1

Next I got an autographed T-Shirt from Jordan Gilbert at the Intel booth. Just wish it was my size.  See what I mean?

sumi bear at ces 2015 games-2

Finally I wrapping up the day by cheering on my bud when he got the high score of the hour playing some Benq game on their gaming monitor.

sumi bear at ces 2015-5

Glad I got to check out CES.  Now back home to do some of my own gaming!

My developer conference bounty

It’s a new year, and my bud decided there was no better way to celebrate it than by going to a developer conference.  So we signed up for the AT&T annual developer conference.  They were giving away tonnes of prizes, but unfortunately my bud was too exhausted to compete.

Still, just for showing up, you got some pretty cool stuff.  For example, I got a nerf gun that I promptly shot off the balcony.

sumi bear att hackathon 2015-1

And I got to try my paws on a Phillips Hue developer kit.  We didn’t get to keep that though.  Too bad.

sumi bear att hackathon 2015-3

All attendees got to visit the swag room and pick out two goodies of their choice.  My bud got a Samsung Fit and Myo, while Pokin got a Jawbone and a phone she gave away to someone else.  I wanted to sell that phone but I allowed it this time.

sumi bear att hackathon 2015-4

BEST part of the whole thing though?  Check out the new drone we won on the last day of the event.  We were the last number they called!

sumi bear att hackathon 2015-6

Time to hook this up and go terrorize some other bears.