Baby Chicks!

Julia bought 3 6 baby chicks.  I get to play with baby chicks!

sumibabychicks (1 of 4)

Here I am watching over them.  I’m a natural.

sumibabychicks (4 of 4) sumibabychicks (2 of 4) sumibabychicks (3 of 4)

I’ll have them eating out of my paws in no time.

Now if only chicks laid chocolate eggs.

Hayfork Hangout

Julia got a nasty case of poison ivy in the back countries of Hayfork so we decided that right thing to do in that sort of situation would be to head right back into that back country and trek through more terrain thick with suspicious green matter.


Humans are such sensible creatures sometimes.


I’m in Hayfork

Say you’re in the middle of nowhere known as Hayfork California and your neighbours are a bunch of potheads.

What do you do?


You just chill, man.  Chill.

On a deck.

I’m feeling chill.  Man.