Happy Thanksgiving!

For this thanksgiving, I really didn’t do anything to help.  So I am thankful for that.

When all the food was done I came out to pose in front of the jello salad.  It was supposed to be green.  Like me.  But it was mixed with orange jello.  And the end result is the brown colour you see in the picture that kind of looks like my fur.

Thanks for that too.




Bears in the park

It’s Sunday and sunny and I’m going for a walk with my bear bud Nicholas to Spencer’s Butte.  On arrival, I’m quite pleased to see that the Park and Recreation board realized how important I was and thoughtfully put an arrival declaration warning sign on the park post.


Later that evening, Nicholas told Jane that he saw a bear in the park.

“You did?” she asked.

“Yep.”  He answered.  ” We brought one.”

That’s right.  This bear was in a park.