Pokin at Antelope Canyon

Pokin came back at 1:00pm and we met her at the gift shop.  She looked pretty frazzled.

“Place is nice, but my heart is pounding!”

The way the canyons work is that several groups have rights into the canyons.  They shuttle you in mostly open air trucks down a bumpy dirt road to the entrance.  Once there, you have a bit over an hour to take photos (after the transit time); less if you don’t do the photo tours.

Well the canyons are crowded!  And the light beam show is fleeting.  So her entire experience was what her guide Rob described as “speed shooting”.

Run in, don’t have time to set up, take some photos quickly, run to the next spot, take some photos, run back to the first spot.  Repeat until your hour is up and then go and delete all the photos with arms, legs, heads and people in it.

The place is cool, the pictures look neat but I’m sure glad my best bear bud and I skipped out on the experience!

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At least she got to go with a photographer friend she met earlier in the day.

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