The next few days were pretty relaxing. My bud and I took many bearfoot con bear walks on the beach.
The day after New Years Eve, just about everyone filed out, leaving on a scattering of guests left in the club. The weather was very cooperative and everything was pleasant. I lounged on the sand when my bud went on a run, I lounged in the sand when my bud decided to walk across the shallow bay out to Sugar Cay, and I lounged in the sand when they went kayaking. The waters were so shallow and calm I didn’t have to worry about so many rogue waves like we did in Iceland, and it was warm enough to stay close to the waters.

View of Winding Bay
So back and forth and back and forth we would stroll on the beach and across the complex.

When sunset came, we either watched it on the beach.

Or from the deck.

Pretty relaxing either way!