Not long after we came back from Cambodia, we started planning our travels again. Something about my bud wanting to take his mom on vacation, and a cruise being a good vacation option since it took minimal planning. Taking the mom on the cruise ended up being taking the mom and the sister on the cruise. So here we are, a cadre of people, a bud and myself. On a cruise.
Because my bud’s mom has a thing for Jamaica, we ended up doing a Caribbean cruise. I’d never been to this part of the world so I didn’t mind!
Day one, we get on the cruise, departing from Fort Lauderdale.

We’re posing for our bon voyage photo on the ship deck when I hear a noise. Peep! Peep!! Oh no. Yep, there’s that bunny. It’s a cadre of people myself and an unwelcome bunny. I don’t know how he manages to do it. I try to lock him in the safe but he somehow manages to get out and have coffee. I just don’t even….