It’s easter again, and Nick’s mom sent me another delivery!
And yet again that obnoxious bunny reappears out of nowhere.

It’s Chinese New Year. There are a few times of the year Pokin loves to use as an excuse to have too much food, and apparently this is one of them. Even though none of us are year of the Dragon, dragons seem cool, and Pokin said we can all use some luck, so she went a little bit all out. I do love me some dragons, so I approved.
What started as a small celebration quickly got out of control. Lion dancers, you ask? Sure, why not? For a donation to the school, you can hire the local karate school to come perform. And despite the fact we had this on actual Chinese New Year, they were available! So my bud and Pokin invited way too many people, and we had them all over.
Technically my tag does say “Made in China”, and while I don’t consider this a large part of my identity it is sometimes nice to celebrate. And so celebrate we did!
It’s been a while since we had a good adventure, so I told my bud we needed more bear and bud adventure time.
Off to camping we go — we’re headed to the valley of fire to do some solo camping. Annoyingly, my bud seems to have misplaced the poles for my Sumi tent. Fine, I’ll share his. The red rocks look pretty nice, I’ll accept the shared accommodations compromise.
Suddenly I hear – “Clomp, clomp clomp”. What is that? I look out from our tent to find wild big horn sheep trotting around my camp like they own it.
I guess they were kind of cool. They climbed up the rocky mountains super quick. Time to tuck in for the night since we have plans in the morning.
We wake up early and drive to the nearest little airport. Nicholas has decided to finally learn to fly like I do, and there’s no better way to learn than trial by fire. Time to jump out of a plane! That’s right – Nicholas couldn’t find anybody that wanted to go skydiving with him, so it’s just me and him. The instructor wouldn’t let me go in the plane for some reason. I told him that I was a pro and I should be the one teaching people to fly, but he ignored me. Jerk. I guess I’ll just see Nicholas in the air.
Really I’m the real pro and they should have brought me.
We’re going on a big trip to Europe! First to London, then to Italy. We’ll be gone for almost a month!
But first, priorities.
It’s my bud’s friend’s big 4-0 birthday. And my bud’s bud has great taste. He appreciates fine cocoa products.
Alas it’s already hot in Vegas, so my bud had to set up production in a bedroom where he could drop the room temperature sufficiently to make fine cocoa products.
I think they turned out pretty well!
Now time to pack for our trip!
Among the many hobbies Nicholas and Pokin have, one of them is chocolate bon bon making. I approve.
Because chocolates are finicky and require very precise temperatures for handling, and because by May Vegas is really hot, we were limited in where we could set up chocolate production. In one of the small rooms where we could really drop the chocolate temperatures it was.
And so it came to be, that it’s late at night and here we are making chocolates in a bedroom.
Peep and I finally come to an understanding.
“Look, I’m busy. You should annoy someone else,” I tell him.
“Peep,” says Peep. Ulgh. He disappears. Well at least he did that.
Annnnnd I haven’t seen him in months. Life is great.
Then COVID-19 happened. We go into quarantine. No more travel. Indefinitely. Also Pokin’s sister and husband move in with us.
To stay sane, my bud and I, and the rest of the family go on nightly walks, where we’ve been noticing a LOT of baby bunnies trying to survive out in the wild.
Not my problem! I think, as we continue our walks.
Then came Pokin’s birthday.
“We got you a surprise,” Pokin’s sister says to her. “We’d been seeing so many bunnies on our walks, we thought about pets! And so we got you something! “Close your eyes and hold out your hand.”
Pokin closes her eyes. I close my eyes. A wave of trepidation comes over me.
We open our eyes. OMG there is bunny on her hand.
“We thought you’d like him! Surprise!” PoOn said.
They got her a bunny. Another bunny.
We’re under quarantine right now! Don’t they know that?! Who knows where this bunny has been!! He’s not even wearing a mask!
I take this bunny out for a talk. I put on my mask. Gotta stay safe after all.
“Look pal, we follow social distancing rules around here. In other words, stay far away from me.”
The new bunny stares at me.
In silence.
I stare back.
Oh boy.
It gets worse.
This quarantine is really testing me. I’m surrounded by a bunnies. They’ve grown in quantity. And size.
And I’m locked down in this house. Somebody help me.
Maybe it’s time to think about my hibearnating options.
My visit to Easter Island had me inspired.
I told Nicholas there needed to be a statue of me. Ideally multiple. He didn’t say much but eventually a statue was made.
Well we still had the materials from casting that first statue.
And what better use of our time during quarantine than to make more statues…of me?
So that’s what we did.
My likeness poured and ready to cure
The reveal
The production
Now to figure out where to put all of these!
Here we are, Christmas again.
I put on my Santa outfit and the generosity started. Not everyone can be a cool spirit bear like myself, so animal hats were probably the next best thing.
I got myself a little something too. That disgusting bag Nicholas insists on carrying me around in was getting a little worn down so I upgraded his flash sack. Let it be known the flash sack gift is in no way an endorsement of the sack as the preferred means by which I wish to be transported.
I also got a new outfit! Nick’s mom and Anna sewed me a new hoodie! It’s about time! Now I can be extra stealthy in really clean white snow!
I’m a fan of hockey. As a Canadian bear, it’s sort of required. So obviously I was happy that we were finally getting a hockey team in Las Vegas. And when the opportunity came up to watch our Las Vegas Golden Knights team train before the seasoning opening, of course I dragged my bud there.
Training is held at the City National Arena, a brand new ice hockey rink built for the team to practice. That’s the right attitude. There needs to be a gaming facility built for bear gaming practice.
I enjoyed myself. Now take me to a real game bud! I got my practice cheering ready.