Santiago Metro Stations

My best bear bud Nicholas hates metros in Santiago.

This one time, it was so crowded, he got pushed all the way to the back of the train and when it came time for his stop, he couldn’t get out.

That might have been the last time he took the metro for months.

I decided I had to see what the metro was like so before we left Chile Nicholas took me on one.


Just as I was starting to think that the metro was actually pretty quiet, a train full of singing and dancing freshly drunk football watching Chileans showed up.

So I can say I got a Santiago metro experience after all.

Super Sumi Saturday

mybed-3Today is a very important day.

So important, in fact, that I’ve given it its own name…never mind that it happens every week. Here it is — wait for it —

Super. Sumi. Saturday. !

Super Sumi Saturdays are meant for two things, and two things only.  Gaming.  And Sleeping in.

Here I am taking a break from smacking my best bear bud awake to let us both recover.

Sufficient rest is important.  We have to be in tip top form for these challenging activities. Because, let’s be frank.  We all know what comes after 24 hours of this stuff.

Super Sumi Sunday.

Oh indeed.

Checking out San Cristobal

We live across from this hill with a white statue on it.  I see it every day.  One day, I decided Nicholas should carry me up that hill.  He wanted to put me in a bag.  I wanted him to hand carry me.  We found a compromise.

Up San Cristobal

And with that, I guess I can say I’ve now done the Santiago tourist thing.  That’s the Virgen, aka the-white-statue-I-see-on-the-hill-across-from-my-house.

san cristobal-2


I got bling

Sumi blingOk Nicholas actually read my Amazon wishlist.

I didn’t get an X-Box like I was expecting for Christmas but Nicholas got me some bling. And some lotto scratch cards.

It’s a start.

Thanks, Nicholas.

Now where’s my X-Box?



sumi christmas-1I love Christmas.

This christmas, I bought Nicholas some hot cocoa. This way, when I want some hot cocoa, Nicholas will already have it on hand.  After all, who wants to wait if the urge for cocoa comes up?  Not this bear.

I even made him a Christmas note.  And it came with a gift card.  For Steam.  So he can buy games to play.

With me.


sumi xmas gift