My bear tin

My bear tinI want to draw your attention to a very important object in this photograph.

No not my pet dog Cuddle Pup.

It’s the tin right in front of me..

That’s my bear tin.

Whenever Nicholas sells something on Craigslist or earns some kind of money, I make sure to take prompt ownership of any cash generated in those transactions.  After all, of course any money Nicholas generates selling things must have been intended for my tin.

And that tin is very important.  I use it to fund my investments.  Investments like the one I made into Nicholas’ business.   I was his first investor and I put a full $500 into his business.  So I’m keeping a close eye on him.  I expect to be paid back.  With interest.  And gaming.

Nicholas’ birthday

My cake for NicholasI consider myself a thoughtful bear so for Nicholas’ birthday I ordered him a cake, delivered directly to the hotel that he was staying at in Santa Barbara.

Well by ordering him a cake, I meant I directed Pokin to find a supplier, communicate my preferences and handle the payment.

Naturally I ordered a chocolate cake.  Well technically red velvet but it had chocolate in it.

I even quality-control-tested the bed for him.


What’s that again?

Yeah that’s right, I’m a thoughtful bear.


My opinion on flowers

To be honest, I have no opinion on flowers.

But this one time, Nicholas brought home some flowers.

Naturally I figured they were for me so I went to check them out.  Turns out they were for Pokin.

So I’ve decided I still have no opinion on flowers.

My opinion on gaming

sumigamesI like almost all types of games.

I like games where I can do takedowns so I play Deus Ex.  And then I takedown Nicholas.

I play space games as Commander Sumi Shephard in Mass Effect.

I like to do leaps of faith and I jump off Nicholas’ head while playing Assassin’s Creed.

Right now I play a pandaran in Mists of Pandaria.  I go by the handle, OsoSumi.  I think I’m better looking than that panda.  But he will do.  At least he’s a bear.

I especially like game consoles with buttons because I can press them.  My favourite button on console is the “x” because Nicholas got me addicted to pressing ‘attack’ for him in Final Fantasy.  What can I say, I’m a helpful bear.  For this reason I am trying to convince Nicholas to buy me an X-Box.  I even created a wish list on to remind him.  I added a Nintendo DS to that list because it’s almost my size.

Maybe it’s time to remind him of that list.

Life at home

2012-07-07 16.58.41Life at home is easy to describe.  I wake up.  I work on waking Nicholas up.  I smack him if he doesn’t get up.  I try to persuade him that every day is Super Sumi Sunday.  Sometimes he believes it.  Sometimes I have to smack him a few times before he believes it.

Nicholas has to work so that we can keep gaming, so to pass time sometimes I will nap.  Or I will play with his my toys.  Here I am with my juggling balls. I’m pretty good at it.  And anyway, it doesn’t matter even if I’m not because I just make Nicholas pick up the juggling balls that fall.  Sometimes I sit on my captain chair.  And then I nap some more.

If Nicholas leaves chocolate out I will eat it.  And when we run low I add it to my wish list and send that to Nicholas.