Getting ready for Star Wars : The Force Awakens

I’ve never seen any of the Star Wars movies.  They were all before my time.  But Nicholas told me that I would really like them.  It’s supposed to come out in a few weeks.

We were walking around Causeway Bay in Hong Kong when we came across a Starwars exhibit.

“There’s a Starwars Exhibit,” pointed out Nicholas.

“Ok take me there so I can see what the fuss is all about,” said I.

I’ve flown space ships like this.  I’m sure of it.

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I don’t know what these “Storm Troopers” are, but I’m sure I could give them the beats if we were in combat.

Hmm, well these characters are weird.  They all look kind of blocky.  I don’t know what to expect of the movie, but I guess I’ll find out!

A respite from prison

Today was one of the rare days I got to go out. Nicholas, Pokin’s cousin Shirley and Anthony took us around Hong Kong.   I jumped at the chance to go. Really. I jumped into the backpack (voluntarily) and had Nicholas carry me around.

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First stop was SunnyHill. I was expecting them to take me to a cocoa place, but instead they took me to some gourmet Taiwanese cake shop that sells these things called Pineapple cakes.

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I tried a bite. It wasn’t bad.  Obviously cocoa is superior, but they really weren’t bad.  It came with some tea.

Speaking of tea, there’s a drink that I’ve been seeing Nicholas drink lately. It’s called 鴛鴦, or Yuen-Yeung.  It’s basically a 1/2 coffee 1/2 tea combo.  They would traditionally sell them from stands like this.

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I already know of a better a 1/2 and 1/2 mix.  It’s called mocha.  It ACTUALLY has cocoa in it.

We continued to walk around.  Because it was Sunday we passed by all the helpers who gather around public places in Hong Kong.  Like in this corridor.  In Hong Kong, helpers usually work 6 days a week, and Sundays are the one day they get off to relax and hang out with friends.

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It’s pretty impressive how big the gatherings can get!  Why they choose to hang out in places like this instead of in front of a gaming studio is beyond me.

Next we went to a shopping mall.  Shopping malls are ok.  Except shopping malls with giant bears.  I don’t need to be around more giant bears.  Way to make a big bear like myself feel small.  Jerks.

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At least the day ended well.  I got to order dessert that was bigger than the size of my head.  I like having a lot of dessert.  That was pretty good.  It almost helped me forget about my forced imprisonment.

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Almost, not quite.

My life in Hong Kong

Most of the time my life here has been really boring. I’m imprisoned in a hotel cell devoid of games.

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The closest I’ve gotten to gaming is to read books on games. I read Ready Player One, which is a book that Nicholas got for free at the Oculus Connect developer conference. Mark Zuckerberg apparently read this book and that’s what convinced him to buy that company. Well cool. I get to read a book on games. But I’m not gaming.

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Duffy and I even resorted to taking Panadol to drown out the pain of lack of gaming. Panadol is like the HK equivalent to Tylenol.

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It didn’t help. And Duffy didn’t know what he was doing. As for Peep, I have no idea what’s up with that bunny.

My sweet ride

I have reluctantly settled into life in Hong Kong.  Relucantly.  My small prison room was nice enough looking given that we were living in an industrial-modern warehouse-renovation-of-a-hotel, but it didn’t even have a table for me to game on.  We had to use an ironing board as a surface which meant there was basically no games.

The only saving grace to this whole fiasco was that our new office turned out to be Infiniti headquarters.  There was even a sweet $3M car in the office that I got to hang out with. This is a one-of-a-kind Infiniti concept car.  One of a kind.  Just like this bear.

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They told us not to touch the car.  So I sat in it.  What good is a car that a bear can’t drive?

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Ok, the office is pretty sweet.

This part, I don’t mind at all.

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We’ve got bees

First more bears.  Then a bunny.  A bot.  Now Bees.

I don’t need bees.  Bees in the house means that my bud has to take care of them which means less time to game with me.

Well bees didn’t get the memo.  They lived in the house before we came, and have been unwanted guests ever since.

The latest invasion happened in the roof.  So my bud got a bee suit and tried to smoke them out

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He asked if I wanted to help.  And get honey all over my paws?  And give Pokin an excuse to force me to take a bath?

NO Thanks. I’ll watch from the ground.

Smoke those bees out quick though!  Gaming doesn’t wait for anybody or any bee.

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I got a new toy I got a new toy

My bud’s been working on making me a robot.  That’s right, I’m getting an electronic minion.

After my disappointment at not winning a New Matter printer I shelved the idea of printing bear sized objects for me.

And then Nicholas told me we were getting a 3D printer so he could make me a robot.  I have the BEST bear bud!  Then again he has the best bear any bud could ask for.  Because I’m THAT awesome.  So really I deserved one.

This whole printer idea was so awesome there were even high-fives at the store during its acquisition.

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Yeah my very own 3D printer.  I bet I’m the first bear with a 3D printer.sumi bear and peerbot-2 sumi bear and peerbot-3

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Annnnnnnd then we found out it was broken.  The belt screw had snapped from being too tight.

Thankfully 3D printers are capable of printing their own parts.  So a little super glue and a lot of time on Skype with the technician later we were back in 3D printing business.

Yay we are printing!

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This was exiting for about the first 10 hours.  But turns out 3D printing is really slow business.  I got tired and made Peep take over.

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Annnd about 20 hours later I got my first robot buddy.

Time to print more minions.

You bet I’m your lucky bear

So PoOn came to town and Nicholas started talking about his favourite station, the Santa Fe station where he goes to indulge in gluttinous overeating at their ridiculously cheap local’s buffet.

“Has Sumi been there yet?” PoOn asked.

Exactly the right question.  Why HAVEN’T I been there yet when it’s my bud’s favourite station?

So it was settled.  We were going to Nicholas’ favourite station and I was coming.

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Well the buffet was just O.K.  Not really much in the way of foods I like, but everyone else seemed to like it fine.

Then it was time for BUFFALO!  One of Nicholas’ favourite games at the Station Casino is the Buffalo Slots machine.  Because it says BUFFALO!!  There was a bears one too but somehow that wasn’t as interesting.  Probably because I wasn’t in it.

So we sat down and started gaming.  Time to bust out my lucky bear skillz!

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And I won!  You know it!!!!  This game is easy.  I should play it more often!  Then Nicholas wouldn’t have to raid my bear box as often.

Another bathroom???

Nicholas told me he was going to tear up another bathroom. Naturally I don’t approve of the idea, but after seeing the new blinged out bathroom downstairs I decided to help. I’m a helpful bear. Give me that hammer, this is one thing I was MADE for.

Also, Nicholas said he was going to post a picture of Pokin in the new bathtub. I don’t really get it, but here it is.

Really bathtubs are a very unnecessary invention.