Christmas Eve!

Christmas Eve and it’s time for presents!

To get into the christmas spirit, this spirit bear wore a santa hat.   It wasn’t the right size and I had to fit it over my toque, but whatever, it’s a christmas hat.  Let’s not get picky.


As a pre-christmas gift I got a chocolate bear, scratch tickets and chocolate.  I thought I got a pretty good haul.  So did Nicholas’ sister.


Time to scratch those tickets.  I’m feeling lucky!


Operation Big Ass Tree

This holiday season, I made myself a list.  After all, I’m a bear on a mission.



Word in the house was that we were going plastic for the tree this year.

I objected.  Real trees for this spirit bear.

While it did involve a dent into my bear tin to finance the tree, I am a thoughtful and generous bear when it comes to the holidays, so I allowed it.

No small trees for this bear though.  If we’re getting a tree, we’re getting a big ass tree.





One that takes 3 grown men to haul in.



One that stretches into the horizon.




Make that 4 grown men.



This is the perfect holiday tree for this house and for this spirit bear.



And as a final touch I let everyone know who this tree came from.




I mean, SOMEBODY has to help me with the rest of the items on my list.

Happy Thanksgiving!

For this thanksgiving, I really didn’t do anything to help.  So I am thankful for that.

When all the food was done I came out to pose in front of the jello salad.  It was supposed to be green.  Like me.  But it was mixed with orange jello.  And the end result is the brown colour you see in the picture that kind of looks like my fur.

Thanks for that too.




Bears in the park

It’s Sunday and sunny and I’m going for a walk with my bear bud Nicholas to Spencer’s Butte.  On arrival, I’m quite pleased to see that the Park and Recreation board realized how important I was and thoughtfully put an arrival declaration warning sign on the park post.


Later that evening, Nicholas told Jane that he saw a bear in the park.

“You did?” she asked.

“Yep.”  He answered.  ” We brought one.”

That’s right.  This bear was in a park.

Let’s play name the energy drinks

My best bear bud Nicholas and I have a tendency to stay up late.

For games.

For him to make money so I can play games.

For long road trips where I don’t get to game but I insist he keep driving so we can get home and I can play games all the sooner.

Anyway, Nicholas’ best human friend Drew wanted to test his bud’s knowledge of energy drinks, so we set up a blind taste test.


I had faith.  He wasn’t going to let his best bear bud down.  Otherwise it’s a smack in the face from my paw!  The stakes were high.


Best bear bud success!  Ok we can celebrate by making hot cocoa for me.

And now that he’s all wired up on energy drinks we can game all night!

Dog Training 001

So here we are in Florida for a week and I see a dog.

Given my expertise with Cuddlepup I decided to train Beowulf to do my beck and call as well.

Lesson one:  assert dominance


Lesson two:  bribe with pets and stokes


Lesson three:  Ride dog —


Terrible untrainable dog.  Where’s Cuddlepup?