Hackathon action

In the car, at a hackathonSo I went to my first hackathon this weekend at the Facebook HQ.

It was like a 9 hour drive to get there, but Nicholas and Pokin won first place and I got my paws on a Microsoft Surface tablet as a result so I guess it was worth it.  I deserved that tablet since Nicholas used my Facebook account to do his demo since he didn’t even have one of his own.

I was mostly left to my own devices in the car but at least Nicholas had the foresight to bundle me up warmly in a scarf.

And anyway when no one was looking I snuck into Facebook and helped myself to some chocolate.  My Assassin’s Creed style scarfing helped me stay stealth.

My opinion on gaming

sumigamesI like almost all types of games.

I like games where I can do takedowns so I play Deus Ex.  And then I takedown Nicholas.

I play space games as Commander Sumi Shephard in Mass Effect.

I like to do leaps of faith and I jump off Nicholas’ head while playing Assassin’s Creed.

Right now I play a pandaran in Mists of Pandaria.  I go by the handle, OsoSumi.  I think I’m better looking than that panda.  But he will do.  At least he’s a bear.

I especially like game consoles with buttons because I can press them.  My favourite button on console is the “x” because Nicholas got me addicted to pressing ‘attack’ for him in Final Fantasy.  What can I say, I’m a helpful bear.  For this reason I am trying to convince Nicholas to buy me an X-Box.  I even created a wish list on Amazon.com to remind him.  I added a Nintendo DS to that list because it’s almost my size.

Maybe it’s time to remind him of that list.

Life at home

2012-07-07 16.58.41Life at home is easy to describe.  I wake up.  I work on waking Nicholas up.  I smack him if he doesn’t get up.  I try to persuade him that every day is Super Sumi Sunday.  Sometimes he believes it.  Sometimes I have to smack him a few times before he believes it.

Nicholas has to work so that we can keep gaming, so to pass time sometimes I will nap.  Or I will play with his my toys.  Here I am with my juggling balls. I’m pretty good at it.  And anyway, it doesn’t matter even if I’m not because I just make Nicholas pick up the juggling balls that fall.  Sometimes I sit on my captain chair.  And then I nap some more.

If Nicholas leaves chocolate out I will eat it.  And when we run low I add it to my wish list and send that to Nicholas.