Another bathroom???

Nicholas told me he was going to tear up another bathroom. Naturally I don’t approve of the idea, but after seeing the new blinged out bathroom downstairs I decided to help. I’m a helpful bear. Give me that hammer, this is one thing I was MADE for.

Also, Nicholas said he was going to post a picture of Pokin in the new bathtub. I don’t really get it, but here it is.

Really bathtubs are a very unnecessary invention.

Thank GOODNESS that bathroom’s finally done

My bud finally finished that bathroom.  That was far far too long of an undertaking, and my gaming quality of life was severely impacted during the construction.  FOR THE WORSE.  But at least it’s done, and we can move on and put the past behind us.  I’m a forgiving kind of bear.  Especially when the new bathroom’s kind of badass.

So one more time, here’s the bathroom that was just fine the way it is:

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And my blinged out new bathroom.

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The only thing that could have made it better was if it had lasers.  It should have had lasers!  Nicholas!!!!!

Bathroom renovations and a song dedication to my bud

A couple weeks ago, my bud mentioned that he was planning to demolish the downstairs bathroom.

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Good.  I thought.  Good riddance.  Who needs bathrooms anyway?  They’re overrated.  This bear especially, has no need for bathrooms.

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So I watched it get torn up.  Then Erik come to visit and help tear it apart some more.

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And a week later they still continued to tear this bathroom apart.

Just how long does it take to get rid of a bathroom anyway?

Then it dawned on me that they weren’t just removing the bathroom.  They were actually trying to fix it up.  And it was taking a long time.  And during this whole time, my gaming routine was getting severely disrupted.

I tried to stage an intervention.  I sat down to talk to my bud.

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No avail.  He still worked on that blasted bathroom.

So right now days into this “project” I’m still sitting here left to my own devices.  So I decided to vent my frustrations by writing a song.  This song’s for you bear bud.

Les Miserables –  I dreamed a dream

adapted by Sumi Bear, video for your singalong purposes

There was a time when my bud was kind
And the cocoa was flowing
And his words were inviting

There was a time I felt top of mind
When the world was a game
And the game was exciting
There was a time
It all went wrong

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When scores were high
And life worth living
I dreamed I fought; yelled battle cries
I dreamed that odds would be forgiving
Then I was young and too naive
And worlds were conquered, new skills added
There were no days I had to wait
No takedowns untaken
No time was wasted

But some people come one day
With their tools sprawled all asunder
As they tore my hopes apart
And they turned my dreams to dust

He left me sitting at my chair
He filled my days with endless waiting
He took the patience of this bear
And he was still gone when nightfall came

And still I dream he’ll come to me
That we will start our gaming sessions
This dream had really better be
Or there will be storms he cannot weather!

I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I’m living
So different now from what it seemed
This bathroom has killed the dream I dreamed

Operation backyard

I like blowing things up — usually in games.  But given that our backyard comprised a barren rocky landscape studded by dead tree trunks I wasn’t that opposed to blowing it up.

Except there would probably be some noise ordinance issues we’d run into, and I’m kind of liking where we live.

So instead I told my bud to buy a pick axe and take it out on the tree trunks.

And here we are uprooting all them tree trunks.

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Begone! Tree trunks!  I banish thee from my backyard!

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Operation home makeover

With the storm over, it’s time to get started!

We sanded banisters.

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We installed ceiling fans.

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And built custom benches.

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We stripped the floor of tile.

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That was a lot of work.  And we had to do it all in 48 hours.

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Which meant tile demolition way early into the AM.

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Thankfully we had nice neighbours who brought us chocolate and coffee to help us stay awake for the job.   Chocolates!  Smart neighbours!  I like them already.

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