My sweet ride

I have reluctantly settled into life in Hong Kong.  Relucantly.  My small prison room was nice enough looking given that we were living in an industrial-modern warehouse-renovation-of-a-hotel, but it didn’t even have a table for me to game on.  We had to use an ironing board as a surface which meant there was basically no games.

The only saving grace to this whole fiasco was that our new office turned out to be Infiniti headquarters.  There was even a sweet $3M car in the office that I got to hang out with. This is a one-of-a-kind Infiniti concept car.  One of a kind.  Just like this bear.

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They told us not to touch the car.  So I sat in it.  What good is a car that a bear can’t drive?

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Ok, the office is pretty sweet.

This part, I don’t mind at all.

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The computer markets of Hong Kong and China

The LAST time we were in Hong Kong, we had the misfortune of coming during Chinese New Year.

For what was supposed to be an auspicious time of the year, they decided to screw over the bear and close all the cool shops.  Meaning I couldn’t go to any of the electronics shops all.

This time around, things were open so I got to go to an electronics market. We went to 168 Market in Wanchai.

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To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect. I thought it’d be like a cool live version of

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It ended up being stall after stall of these tiny shops selling random things like cell phone cases and more cell phone cases. There were three labyrinth floors of stores, each run by owners that may or may not be present.   We even passed a store with stacks of games that I looked at wistfully.

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Games. I played those once.

The Purple Cake

So I’m in Hong Kong.

I wasn’t expecting to be in Hong Kong.  To be honest, I don’t think my bud planned for us to be in Hong Kong either.  But somehow it happened.  These things seem to happen with us.

One day we were happily gaming in the comfort of our home and then the next Pokin packed up and moved to Hong Kong to go live in a closet.  A few weeks later, it was our turn.  I understand this move was caused by a last minute decision to apply for some Smart Cities program in Hong Kong?  I didn’t like it but they got into their program, and were crazy enough to say yes.

I remember Hong Kong, I’ve was just here last year.  It was crowded and small and I didn’t get to game.  I don’t remember liking Hong Kong.

I think Pokin knew I wasn’t going to be too thrilled with it, so she tried to bribe me with cake when I arrived.

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She also mentioned it was my bud’s birthday.

Right, of course it was.  And of course that’s important, but I knew really she was trying to make sure I felt good about the decision.  It was a nice effort, but she got me a purple cake.  PURPLE?  It was grape flavoured. There wasn’t an ounce of cocoa in it!!  Well happy not-good-enough-birthday for my bud Nicholas!

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At least it’s just my bud and I for the next few months.  No other bears.  No bunny.

At least it’s a few months of bear and bud bonding time.

Annnnd right about then I hear Peep.

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Of COURSE that jerk bunny stowed away in the suitcase and came along.  Of course.  PEEP I don’t know what to say to you.

“About the bears” says Pokin.

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Figures that even in Hong Kong there’d be more bears.  Turns out Duffy’s been living in the hotel while I’ve been gone.  He showed up thanks to Pokin’s cousin Shirley.   Well at least he looks up to me.  Duffy realizes that Big Daddy Sumi towers over him in size and seniority.

Well time to make the best of the situation.   These months better pass quickly!

Uncle Sumi knows what’s up

So my bud’s sister’s expecting a kid.  Naturally being the generous bear I am, I made my bud go find him a fitting gift.

What gift is more fitting than a onsie with my face on it?

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So we went to gift it to his sister.

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Look at the size of that belly!  It’s bigger than I am!

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Ok kid, just hurry on out so uncle Sumi can teach you a thing or two about the priorities of life.

Like the importance of gaming for starters.

Another day, another road trip

My bud’s good friend is getting married in Hood River Oregon, and we’re back on the road again towards the wedding.  I made sure to bring my posse.  Bud, bunny, bot.  Check. Check. Check.

In an effort to avoid our usual route to Oregon (and my least favourite city – Tonopah), we took a route that went through Idaho.  Idaho!  I’ve never been to Idaho!  Maybe it’s cool!

Our first stop was for gas and lunch.  And outside the McDonalds were sculptures of bears.  That’s cool!  Bears are great!

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And then we were in Idaho.  I was excited.  I got out for a photo.

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My bud wasn’t as excited.  His loss.

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Sometime later in the day we finally got to our resting stop for the night.  Boise!  It was dark. There wasn’t much to see.  We tried to go to bed.

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And that’s when I realized my bunny’s got a problem.

There we were claiming our bed and getting ready for bed when I hear Peep.

“Peep” he says.

“Nice job.  You found the coffee pot.” I tell Peep.  “Now go to sleep.  Here, you can even have a coffee cup.”

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“Peep” he says.  And – he. wouldn’t. stop.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to sneak more coffee in while I was asleep.

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We’re going to need to do something about this.  Tomorrow.


The stowaway

On Monday, my bud told me we were going to San Diego.  “Business trip” he said.

“Road trip!!” I thought.  Truth was, we were probably going only because some stray pollen got caught in my bud’s eyeball and swelled it up to the point he got annoyed.  Well I’m not complaining.  I like roadtrips.

We packed up the car with a box full of donuts, and then it was time to say goodbye to Peep.

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“Now Peep” I said. “Road trips are for my bud and I only.  So you stay here and I’ll see you when I get back.”

“Peep.  Said Peep.

I left him in the care of Blanket Bear and got into the car with my bud to San Diego.

All was fine, we drove to San Diego, had dinner and checked into our hotel.

I was getting ready for bed when I heard some muffled sounds.

Peep peep peep, I heard.

It came from my bud’s backpack.  Nicholas unzipped the side pocket and out came Peep.

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Peep.”  Said Peep.

“You’re not supposed to be here.” said I.

Peep.” Said Peep.

Well this conversation is going nowhere and we’re all here together now, so nothing to do but for my bud to tuck his bear and his bear’s bunny off to sleep.

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The next day I wanted to go to the beach.  “Take me to La Jolla Cove,” I said.  It’s a high class beach and I’m a high class bear.  Plus my bud used to work here and I was curious to check it out.

It was business as usual and I was getting selfies and pics with my bud —

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And then Peep bunny jumped into my pics with my bud.  PEEP!!!!

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We’re going to need to have a talk when I get back.

Goodbye to Audel house

We’re back in Eugene this week to say goodbye to my bud’s home.  His dad sold the house and this would be the last time to come back and see it.  I recall having a pretty sweet gaming set up here so I agreed to return.  Plus I’d spent most of MY life here too.

As soon as we came back I tried to go to my old gaming room.  But the door was locked.  So I tried to look inside. What’s with all the boxes in there? Good thing I have an awesome new gaming room or I’d have a little freakout.

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Well, if there’s no game room then I’m done saying my goodbyes.  Goodbye Audel house.  You were great while you still had a great gaming room.

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The Boston Public Gardens and some ducks

Another day in Boston, another day of sightseeing.  Eventually we made our way to the Boston Public Gardens.

I’m no princess bear but I certainly won’t turn down a swan boat ride.

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Then we made our way to the Make Way for the Ducklings sculpture.  Apparently my bud sat on these ducks when he was a little bud.  So we recreated the moment.

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The things I do to bond with my bud.

It was cool.  Actually I liked it.

I was in such good spirits I even agreed to go into a museum where I made Nicholas sign me into the guestbook.  After all I was a guest too.

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Boston’s not a bad little place!

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I’m an Ice Bar Bear

Chill out in an ice bar in Boston?  I can do that.

I’ve got fur.  And a toque.  Plus a tunic.  So I’m cool.  And my bud can borrow a big coat to stay warm.  Or try to, at least.


So we got in, and all was well until I sauntered up to the counter and tried to order the obvious – hot cocoa.


Turns out that’s not on the menu.  They only serve cold drinks.   How on earth is there an ice bar with no hot cocoa?  Blasphemy.  At least the girl at the counter was nice enough.

And at least I can say I’ve been to an ice bar in Boston.

Golden Bear and the Boston tour

Today Uncle Charlie took us to the Waterworks Museum.  It’s now mostly swanky condos for the wealthy (aka the future yours truly) but they did preserve part of the old water utility building as a museum.  They had some pretty cool architecture in there.  I dug it.

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My favourite part was where a sunbeam shone through the window and bathed me in light. That’s right, bask in the glory of the presence of me.

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It happened because I’m special.

Not that kind of special!  Banish that thought!