The mayor of Oak Square

Since it was my first time to Boston, my bear bud naturally enlisted the aid of Uncle Charlie.  I suspect it’s not because Uncle Charlie knows a lot about Boston, but rather because he also sees the sense in hot cocoa and chocolate.  My bud knew we’d get along.

My bud’s Uncle Charlie is also known as the mayor Oak Square.  Because, like, he runs the place.  More reasons why we get along.

Anyway, Uncle Charlie took us around his hood.  We sat in his square.

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We admired the mural with his face in it (take note, bear bud).

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We saw the brick he bought for my bear bud (where’s mine?)

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Let it be known I want a brick too.  It should say, Sumi Bear, Captain of the Universe.  And Boss.

Where my bud was born

Today I arrived in Boston, where my bear bud came from.  So naturally one of the first stops was to the house my bear bud grew up in.

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Somehow I’d been expecting tree forts and space stations, but I guess a good old beige home helps fuel the imagination.

So I shall actually imagine that my bear bud grew up in a space age tree fort.  With lasers.  Big ones.  Yeah.

The dampness that is Iceland

I’ve been told by many that Iceland is a beautiful place.

I’m sure it is, if I could have seen any of it.

I found Iceland to be really really wet, cloudy and grey.  At least when I was there.  And every time the cruise crew have been there, as I was told.

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I tried to tell Nicholas that, really, we were fine and we could just stay in the car.  I could use my imagination and just look at the maps.  I also tried to tell him it was really humiliating to be seen under a pink kitten umbrella.

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But he still made us get out and go to even wetter places.  And he tried to say things like it was no more humiliating than walking around carrying a bear.  I’m not quite sure what he meant, but I gave him a smack for good measure.

Here we are dangerously close to the wet explosion of Geysir.

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And then dangerously close to the cascading sheets of wetness at Gulfoss.

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And then who knows where this is, given the visibility….  I just know it was also wet.

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At least I got to meet another mascot.  I’m still cuter.

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I cheered up a little when we were finally got back, got dry, and I was able to play with my towel buddy pets, today was a turtle.

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Ahhhh, being dry.

Cow sheep on Torshvan

Today, we stopped in a small town on the Faroe Islands.  Actually by Faroe Islands standards it’s a pretty big town, but given that I’m a worldly bear having been to many a town in the world, I felt entitled to conclude that Torshvan, pop. 20 000 = a rather itty bitty baby town.


This is the whole town.  See, it really IS rather itty bitty.

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I’d read in the guidebooks that the Faroe Islands have their own kind of sheep — the kind  you get when sheep inbreed amongst themselves for thousands of years (or since the Vikings anyway) without new sheep stock to add diversity.  So I wanted to see some sheep to see how weird they look.


These aren’t sheep.  They’re shaggy cows!

And then the clouds came in.  Okay I’ve seen enough sheep. And then it rained.  And I got wet.   And grumpy.

Nicholas tried to bribe me and cheer me up with a Jolly.

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At which point I explained that calling a drink Jolly doesn’t a jolly bear make.  Hot cocoa and a warm bed on a boat does.

So I got that.

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Much better.

Murder holes

Muder holes. We found one.

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I like them.  Begone, unwanted guests!

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All this power at my paws.  Just look at those unsuspecting tourists just ripe for an unexpected surprise.  Pass the hot cocoa, bear bud.

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I like this castle.  So I shall put my bud on notice.  After you build me a villa you must build me a castle.  With murder hole(s).


And I’m kissing the Blarney Stone

I had never heard of the Blarney Castle or Blarney stone, but I guess Nicholas had a Blarney stone at his school so he wanted to see it.  So we went.

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And I kissed the stone.  We got on a tour bus at Cobn (pronounced Cove) and then we pushed past tourists and ran towards the castle to beat the line.  Apparently the usual lineup to kiss the stone was something ridiculous.  Lucky for us we were among the first there so it wasn’t too bad.  One by one we streamed single file up the castle tower.

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Up we went towards the stone, which was situated on the outside of the castle meaning you had to lie down, bend over backwards to kiss some stone on the outside.

Then it was my turn.  I was getting ready to scoot down as the fellow who helped the stone kissers said to Nicholas – “Would you like me to hold your Teddy?”

It took me a second to realize he was referring to me.  I’m no Teddy, mister.  But whatever, you can hold me so I can kiss the stone.

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And then I kissed the stone.  I felt the same afterwards.

Nick and Pokin also kissed the stone.  They sound about the same afterwards.

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Well at least I can say I’ve been here.

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Tea for a civilized bear

So we were docked in Portland, UK today.  We heard word that there was a castle to see in the vicinity so we got on a bus to go see it. I wanted ideas for my eventual castle.

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This was their idea of a castle.

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They wanted £5.  We got back on the bus.

My bud wasn’t impressed.  Neither was I.  We’d seen better in France and in video games.  So we took another bus to Weymouth instead.

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Here we found a tea shop.   And being the civilized bear that I am, I indulged in a pot of tea with some scones and clotted cream.

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It was no hot cocoa, but it was still satisfactory.

Back on a boat

Surprisingly, we had no travel hiccups and we made it onto the Royal Caribbean Brilliance of the Seas.

We’re on a boat!

We’re sailing across the Atlantic!

Like the Titanic!



Heading to Harwich

After our London blitz I regained my composure and and we got ready to get on another train.

It was to be any regular morning.  We went to the train station, I posed for photos with my bud.

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But then I noticed the policemen patrolling the area.  It must be because they were looking to pose for a photo with me.

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I knew it.

And then we got on a train and I got my own seat again.

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