So my bear bud tells me we’re in Keflavík, Iceland. I thought we were supposed to be in London.
It seems like we missed our flight. And the one after that. So we’re stuck here in Iceland. For the rest of the day. And night.
Well nothing better to do than kick back in this tiny town and enjoy an Icelandic specialty drink, “Erlu”. I don’t know. It looks like coke to me.

And an American hamburger in an American diner.

Well since we’re stuck here all day let’s see what else is in this town. Looks like they have a big anchor.

Locals tell us to visit the troll cave down this way.

Oh there’s the troll.

These appear to be pacifiers hanging on a tree. Is this an offering to the troll? Or is this some kind of “kids-I’ve-eaten” count?

I’m speechless. That was somewhat disturbing.
I think it’s time to walk back to our hotel and try to forget what I just saw here.