My bud, myself, and our friend Linda – we are all Harry Potter fans.
So we decided to go to University Studios to check out Harry Potter world.
We somehow decided to pick a wet and dreary day. Sounds on brand.

We’d been listening to an audiobook – Blood, Sweat and Pixels. One of the chapters was dedicated to one of my favourite gaming companies — Blizzard.
So naturally when we were in town for a conference already we decided to pay a business visit to our friend who works there.
And here’s the campus.
I mean, you only had to get through chain linked fences and a security guard to get to this point of the premise.
Rounding the corner brings you to the famous orc statue. You can read about the making of this orc statue on the Blizzard web site.
Naturally I posed in front of it.
Normally the Orc isn’t covered by knitting — it’s only there for Christmas but they’re a little slow. So it’s like we got to see the special spawn!
And here’s the lobby.
After that, we got a tour of Blizzard — including a glimpse of their special operations command room where they can see server stats around the world!
UNfortunately most of the areas were blocked off and closed – even for a VIB like me.
Another time. One day I shall OWN MULTIPLE game companies. Till then I’ll just selfie in front of this one.
Another year, another cruise. This time it was a work cruise. My bud took Michael, who brought a friend with him. The idea was to work on the newest bingo game, Abradoodle. We also took my bud’s dad and his step mom Jane. Because we stopped in Belize, there were many a Belize pun. Probably too many. Despite the fact we technically stopped at Belize, we didn’t see much of it. Nick’s dad on the other hand, went on a whole visit with some nuns so they had a real sense of the city.
The whole thing was a blur. All I remember is Peep DIDN’T make it on this cruise, and we also stopped in the very touristy stop in Tulum.
Today, we just decided to fly to San Francisco for a day trip. Mostly because it was basically free thanks to a Jetsmarter free trial.
We pulled up to the Atlantic Private Aviation terminal, where I chilled out in the lounge.
Shortly after, our pilot came into the lounge and it was time to board our plane, a Bombardier Challenger 300. This is a 8 seat, $17.4M jet, and our flight was operated by XOJets.
The flight wasn’t too crowded. There was our group, plus two other passengers. I got comfortable right away.
Today I met Puppy for the first time. Puppy’s Linda’s dog bud. It might have been his first time flying private.
Given that it wasn’t MY first time around the block, I gave him some pointers. I even sat with him, you know, being a helpful bear and all.
This is the way I should always roll. You got that, Nicholas?
This weekend we went to Paso Robles to see my bud’s friends, Kurt and Devon get married.
That’s them.
My bud and Pokin cheered them on.
It was my first time to Paso Robles. I didn’t actually realize there was wine country south of Napa. I guess I’ve been ignorant!
After their wedding, it was time to head up to San Francisco for some meetings. Along the way, Pokin wanted to see some castle. It was ok.
Hearst Castle is this crazy building built by the founder of the Hearst Media empire. Apparently he was inspired on a trip to Europe an wanted to build his very own castle in the middle of nowhere, California. It start as a bungalow apparently. Then scope creep happened. It got big. And ridiculous. Now it’s a tourist attraction.
Onward to SF.
Nicholas’ mom really likes lighthouses. I don’t get it, but we went to see one anyway. Here it is.
After that we stayed at a random hotel which was entirely unremarkable until I saw they made me a bear size throne. Nicholas said it was too big for me, but he just doesn’t understand.
This is the perfect throne for me to grow into.
Today my bud and I are taking a break from gaming Super Sumi Sunday.
Instead, we’re going camping! My bud’s been wanting to have some quiet time away from the computer and other people, so we’re packing up our camping supplies and heading up to Mount Charleston where it’s quite a bit cooler temperature wise than anywhere else in Las Vegas.
While they have camp sites up there on the main road, my bud wanted to go down a more rugged path – one that needs a 4WD. Thank goodness we’ve got the trusty Sumi-mobile RAV4! (Which is technically an AWD, but it’s not like we’re traversing mud or anything. Plus anything with the Sumi stamp of approval is going to do just fine anytime, anywhere! )
I approved of most of the camping supplies we took.
And then I saw this spray can.
What is this? BEAR SPRAY? I’m a bit offended.
Wait, are there real bears in the territory?!?!?! I push this thought out of my mind.
We get there and pitch camp. My bud set up his tent. Then he sets up mine. I get in my tent right away, make sure it’s set up the way I want.
Here we are, perched on a hilltop, overlooking the mountains. My bud and I, king of the mountain.
Just the way things should be.
This weekend, we went to LA to check out the Rocket League World Championships. I was there to cheer on my favourite teams in my bud’s current favourite game – Rocket League. Rocket League is one of the smaller e-sports games, but how can you not like rocket cars that fly and kick balls?
The RLCS World Championships of 2017 was held at the Wiltern Theatre.
There was a healthy crowd cheering on all the teams. I cheered right along. Go Rogue! Go Leftovers!
I must say it was definitely one of the more satisfying weekends. It is anytime I can combine gaming with work research! Bud! Make me an esports team!
And just like that, our days here were up. Too fast, bear bud!
We decided tonight to just relax on the main beach — that was until I saw the giant floating bikes. Nicholas! Rent me one! (Btw, all the dudes here are ripped!!)
We biked around for about 30 minutes before returning back to the beach.
It’s pretty relaxing here. With only 77 huts spread over all the acres, we really never saw the other tourists much.
My bud and I claimed a hammock, and just let it all soak in.
Eventually we decided to take regular bikes back to our hut.
Pretty nice, this resort. I’d come back.
Except hopefully without the bunny next time. I kept finding him in, like, the weirdest places.
Yay, no more tours. Now it’s just gaming on our deck and exploring the resort facilities.
Here’s a map of the resort, all 44 acres.
Map courtesy of St Regis Bora Bora
View from one of the bridges
We played tennis, I drove golf carts, we saw brief thunderstorms and then rainbows, we biked around (Pokin crashed into another tourist only once), we chased fish, we played games on the deck and my bud did backflips off the deck. All in all, great. stuff.
Tonight we left our resort for the first time to try one of the top restaurants in Bora Bora, Villa Mahana. Villa Mahana is a restaurant owned by Chef Damien Rinaldi-Dovio, a Corsican chef that was trained in Paris, became executive chef at L’Orangerie in LA before moving to Bora Bora something like 12 years ago. Villa Mahana serves mostly French food with Polynesian influences, or as Pokin’s hairstylist explained, more like “French food with Polynesian sized portions.”
St Regis Bora Bora is located on its own little island, so getting anywhere else requires transport by boat.
Our reservations were at 7pm, which required meeting at the dock at 6pm for boat ride over to the main island. We got there and waited at the dock, along with all the other tourists that were ready to get off the resort.
At 6pm we got on a boat to take the 10 minute crossing over to the main island. Cost? $50 USD. From there, we got into a mini bus to take the 40 minute ride around the island. One group of four and another couple from our resort were going together. Cost of the mini bus ride? Another $50 USD.
Villa Mahana is supposed to be expensive. And it wasn’t cheap. The multi course meal was €150 plus wine paring. But everything in Bora Bora is expensive. Our pizza was $50 and dinners averaged $150 anyway, so this didn’t feel much different. Plus the quality was comparable to the same price dinners we’d pay back home. This is not to say I approve. I’d rather this money be invested in my gaming rig. But just to say it wasn’t really that pricey comparatively.
Pokin got the Menu Epicurien and Nicholas got the Menu Exotique with wine pairing.
First course, the salads. Nicholas doesn’t even like seafood but he really liked his Tuna.
Pokin’s was a shrimp salad topped with caviar and tossed in truffle oil. Needless to say she enjoyed hers.
They served french bread that had the crispiest crust. That got Pokin really really excited. She even tried to take the bread home with her, before she realized it was too humid for that bread to stay fresh. Instead, she tried her best to eat through that whole loaf.
Next course, a mahi mahi for Nicholas, a foie gras for Pokin.
And then the mains. By now Nicholas was already past full. And then they gave him this much beef, followed by a whole little pot full of creamy gnocchi. He was on his own on that one. Not. My. Thing.
Pokin got it too. PLUS a lobster risotto.
Pokin tried. She didn’t finish.
Then the mango sorbet palette cleanser.
Then dessert.
Definitely the best course.
I had to go and give my compliments to the chef. And also check out the kitchen.
Great meal. I recommend it for sure! Thanks Chef Damien!
Villa Mahana has very limited seating : 7 tables on the ground floor, a few more tables on the terrace and a private table. It was packed when we were there, so make sure to make your reservations early!