For some reason that shall never make any sense to me, Pokin really really wanted to see the Tuna Auction. The auction used to be at the Tsukiji Market, where you actually were able to walk right up amongst the Tuna. The place got too crowded, so they eventually moved it to a more modern larger facility at the Toyosu market. Instead of being right in the middle of the action, you now had to stand behind glass walls to see it, and entry required applying to a lotto.
Lots of things Pokin wants to do makes no sense. There was no way my bud wanted to go. Voluntarily get up early to go see smelly fish??? Ha!
So I took it for the team and went with her. Let me tell you, this was commitment. The auction happens really early in the morning, so we had to get up at like 3AM to get there. The auction officially starts around 5:30AM and is over within 20-30 minutes.
This is the biggest tuna auction in the world, and all the best and most expensive tuna gets brought here to be bid on, and hauled away.

Then, because we had been up for a while, I saw Pokin, Chris, and Laura work up an appetite so they went for some tuna themselves.
My bud owes me one.