It was time for our Europe trip! I was pretty excited. Unlike most of our past trips where we were running around in a mad frenzy, we were taking it easy for the first couple weeks.
Pokin was still recovering from her surgery and the doctor had advised lifting “no more than 10lbs.” I guess her usual backpack loaded with camera gear is well over 10lbs, so she agreed to “no plans” other than to camp out in a Doubletree in London, and to just see what happens.
Flight over was pretty smooth. Everyone shook their head as Pokin busted out Costco sized bags of Strawberry popcorn and keto snacks. I approved of none of her selection and didn’t touch any all trip long. The others shook their head but partook. Weak souls.
After the customary expected flight time and an incredibly smooth arrivals through customers, we were in London.
At first when we got to our hotel I was pretty worried. We had arrived early, and we got a pretty awful room. There was barely a window and we were looking into a boiler. Some things were also not working. Luckily because the room was a bit broken, they had to upgrade us to a better room, with a much better bed.

While I laid claim to the bed, my bud and Pokin went looking for food. Looks like lots of good options around. They found a crepe place pretty fast.

Now since the trip was meant to be pretty laid back, my bud didn’t think much about wardrobe. Which is a mistake in London. Me, I’m usually a dapper bear, so I was all set in terms of attire, but my bud was not at all equipped for the typical standards in London.
Pokin wanted to go for tea with their friends… and my bud did not have anything but tech startup tshirts.
And London has a dresscode. Especially for high tea.
And thus came about the great London makeover. So my bud stepped out.
And came back a new bud – clean shaven, hair cut, mysterious bags.

Turns out his bags contained a whole new wardrobe, suit and all. Look at that transformation!
We were in London during the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, and there were decorations everywhere. It looked so festive!

(I’m glad we came too as the Queen would pass away later this year)
The rest of our trip was pretty uneventful. Saw some pubs. Went to some tea shops.

Perfect low key start before we continued on to Italy.
Oh here’s also a photo of the red door where Pokin spent like an hour trying to record a birthday tribute video.