This week, we are off to Mexico City for a couples retreat organized by some business group Pokin is part of. Naturally, I came along too.
The recommended flight was an early morning flight requiring a 4:00AM wake up time. No way. So we decided to head out the night before and stay in the Sheraton Reforma.
Flight was pretty uneventful, other than Delta changing the flight time on us a few times leading up to the departure. Everything took off smoothly and next thing we know we’ve arrived at the terminal.
Just in time for a pretty long customs line.
Well our bags aren’t here either so I guess it’s no big deal. It’s a wait either way.
Eventually, or something like a couple hours later, we made it through customs, in time to hear that our friend’s flight was arriving.
We suggest meeting up to carpool —
Only to realize they had landed at a different terminal….
…and that in Mexico City the terminals are not at all connected. In fact they are something like a 10 minute drive apart with no traffic.
Which then become the other thing I learned. Mexico City has a lot of traffic. A lot.
So although we arrived at like 7pm. We eventually made it to our hotel at like 10pm.
Well we made it. And they greeted me with some candies. That’s cool.