The waters were way too choppy to swim yesterday so we aborted our attempts to make it out to the John Aster Estate where we were told to go snorkelling.
In general, we were told the best views were at the edge of the reef so today we made an attempt to snorkel to the edge by our villa, even if we couldn’t make it out as far as John Astor Estates.
See this photo here? See where it’s light and then it gets dark?

Well we swam over to the edge there on the left.
And let me tell you, if you had no fear of the deep ocean, you get one. Right after you get to the edge, you are looking down into the abyss.
Nicholas swam to the edge and noped out. So did our friend.
Pokin swam to the edge, looked down, popped back up above water, and nonchalantly said “I think I see some sharks out there.” Our friend immediately swam back towards the hut.
Nicholas went to look too. “Yep I think those are reef sharks.
Right about now, we realize the current is pulling us out, out away from the safety of the house reefs.
Time to head back.
Pokin reluctantly looked over the ledge down at the 3 swimming bodies, grudgingly admitting she’d be freaked right out if the sharks were anywhere closer than something like 30 feet down.
Time to call it a snorkelling day.