The Boston Public Gardens and some ducks

Another day in Boston, another day of sightseeing.  Eventually we made our way to the Boston Public Gardens.

I’m no princess bear but I certainly won’t turn down a swan boat ride.

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Then we made our way to the Make Way for the Ducklings sculpture.  Apparently my bud sat on these ducks when he was a little bud.  So we recreated the moment.

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The things I do to bond with my bud.

It was cool.  Actually I liked it.

I was in such good spirits I even agreed to go into a museum where I made Nicholas sign me into the guestbook.  After all I was a guest too.

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Boston’s not a bad little place!

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I’m an Ice Bar Bear

Chill out in an ice bar in Boston?  I can do that.

I’ve got fur.  And a toque.  Plus a tunic.  So I’m cool.  And my bud can borrow a big coat to stay warm.  Or try to, at least.


So we got in, and all was well until I sauntered up to the counter and tried to order the obvious – hot cocoa.


Turns out that’s not on the menu.  They only serve cold drinks.   How on earth is there an ice bar with no hot cocoa?  Blasphemy.  At least the girl at the counter was nice enough.

And at least I can say I’ve been to an ice bar in Boston.

Golden Bear and the Boston tour

Today Uncle Charlie took us to the Waterworks Museum.  It’s now mostly swanky condos for the wealthy (aka the future yours truly) but they did preserve part of the old water utility building as a museum.  They had some pretty cool architecture in there.  I dug it.

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My favourite part was where a sunbeam shone through the window and bathed me in light. That’s right, bask in the glory of the presence of me.

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It happened because I’m special.

Not that kind of special!  Banish that thought!

The mayor of Oak Square

Since it was my first time to Boston, my bear bud naturally enlisted the aid of Uncle Charlie.  I suspect it’s not because Uncle Charlie knows a lot about Boston, but rather because he also sees the sense in hot cocoa and chocolate.  My bud knew we’d get along.

My bud’s Uncle Charlie is also known as the mayor Oak Square.  Because, like, he runs the place.  More reasons why we get along.

Anyway, Uncle Charlie took us around his hood.  We sat in his square.

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We admired the mural with his face in it (take note, bear bud).

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We saw the brick he bought for my bear bud (where’s mine?)

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Let it be known I want a brick too.  It should say, Sumi Bear, Captain of the Universe.  And Boss.

Where my bud was born

Today I arrived in Boston, where my bear bud came from.  So naturally one of the first stops was to the house my bear bud grew up in.

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Somehow I’d been expecting tree forts and space stations, but I guess a good old beige home helps fuel the imagination.

So I shall actually imagine that my bear bud grew up in a space age tree fort.  With lasers.  Big ones.  Yeah.