Hiking around Joffre Lakes

Today we are hiking Joffre Lakes, another of my mountain haunts. Pokin’s been wanting to come here since she went to SFU, so she was pleased to finally make it.

What she remembered was the hike was rated strenuous, so she never felt like she was ready to tackle. Turned out quite acceptable, but she was not prepared for the crowds. The trails were definitely very busy. Too busy, some might say.

The time I kind of got arrested

My best bear bud and I were acting like good old fashioned law abiding citizens when we got kind of arrested going across the Canada / US border today.

Well, to be precise, we got surrounded by cop cars and drug dogs, and then my best bear bud was removed from the car,  handcuffed and taken away from me to a detainment room where he was searched and interrogated.

I tried my best to save my bear bud and had my paws up ready to put up a fight, but I guess Nicholas thought we’d better not make a scene so I composed myself and instead grumpily surveyed our surroundings.

Glaring wasn’t forbidden so I continued to glare as hard as I could at the dogs who tried to sniff me and at the police officers who were searching the car for drugs, of which of course there were none.  There wasn’t even any chocolate in the car!  And here Nicholas thought having me leave my laser behind would make the border crossing smoother.

40 minutes into the ordeal they finally released us when they realized we weren’t smuggling drugs or guns.  After all we were being good law abiding citizens.

It’s was just a bud and his bear having a road trip.  Why on earth did they decide to stop us?  Jerks.  They delayed our ETA to my resumption of gaming.  At least Nicholas was amused.

This bear, however, was not.