I got an Easter bunny

That’s right.  I got a Peep Bunny for Easter.

I’d actually forgotten it was Easter until I overheard Nicholas asking Pokin if she’d gotten me any candy for Easter and I was aghast to hear they hadn’t.

?!?!?  What!!  This is absolutely an Enormous-Easter-Disaster in the making.

As I was feeling all upset about everything and trying to figure out how to sufficiently express my displeasure, I noticed the USPS truck pull up with a package.  A package!  With my name on it!

Forgetting about my Absolutely-Enormous-Easter-Disaster-In-The-Making for the moment, I went to make my bud open the package right away.   And inside, I was excited to find out that my best bear bud’s mom is actually way more thoughtful than my bear bud and she’d sent me a package!

My very own Peep Bunny!  And Easter candy!  Easter-disaster averted!

sumi bear easter bunny-1

That said, my bud is still on notice to pick me up some Cadbury chocolate eggs.  And stat.  My Peep bunny and I are in need of more easter goodies.