Chocolate Making in Vegas

Among the many hobbies Nicholas and Pokin have, one of them is chocolate bon bon making. I approve.

Because chocolates are finicky and require very precise temperatures for handling, and because by May Vegas is really hot, we were limited in where we could set up chocolate production. In one of the small rooms where we could really drop the chocolate temperatures it was.

And so it came to be, that it’s late at night and here we are making chocolates in a bedroom.

Bear Cookies

PoOn, Eric, and Quatchi just tried to bribe me to visit them in Vancouver.

They got me cookies.  Shaped like bears.


All things considered, that’s pretty persuasive.  I mean, the white chocolate cookies have chocolate in them, for starters.  They are also white like snow, and I’m a Winter Olympics spirit bear and all.

I guess I better fly up there to claim my cookies before Stitch eats them.  Guard them for me, Quatchi!

Life at home

2012-07-07 16.58.41Life at home is easy to describe.  I wake up.  I work on waking Nicholas up.  I smack him if he doesn’t get up.  I try to persuade him that every day is Super Sumi Sunday.  Sometimes he believes it.  Sometimes I have to smack him a few times before he believes it.

Nicholas has to work so that we can keep gaming, so to pass time sometimes I will nap.  Or I will play with his my toys.  Here I am with my juggling balls. I’m pretty good at it.  And anyway, it doesn’t matter even if I’m not because I just make Nicholas pick up the juggling balls that fall.  Sometimes I sit on my captain chair.  And then I nap some more.

If Nicholas leaves chocolate out I will eat it.  And when we run low I add it to my wish list and send that to Nicholas.