This whole week we stayed at an all-inclusive resort called Fives Beaches in Playa del Carmen, just south of Cancun. Pokin and Nick’s friends Cathey and Rob were getting married, so we all packed up and went there.
We arrived a day earlier than every else to settle in and work. For some crazy reason, Pokin booked a red eye. No one was impressed when they found out, especially because there were dinner plans hours before the red eye flight to the airport.
Well they got it all done, saw their friends, enjoyed some dinner, made it to the airport, and a bunch of hours and a transfer in Atlanta later, arrived in Cancun for a transfer to the resort.
Pokin did no research on the resort, and so she didn’t really know much of what to expect.
And one of the first things I discovered was that, this resort was infested with my archnemesis the Coatis. Remembering my time in Brazil, I figured it was time for a rematch. These paws are ready to smack. I glared at one as it walked by. I shook my paw at it. Get ready for payback!
Our room wasn’t ready so we had time to trek around the resort. I saw the beach. I saw the pay-per-use beds. I saw the pools.

It was hot and sweaty. I was hot and sweaty. The hotel wasn’t ready even after the promised check in time. It’s ok, I’m here all week. I will freshen up and bide my time on those Coatis.

Eventually we were able to check in at about 3:50pm (50 minutes past check in time.) We were in Villa 2 where Andres was our ambassador. I got settled in to prepare for my rematch.

And then I saw them.
First I saw a pair of eyes. Then many pairs of eyes.
A whole family of coatis, watching me from below the balcony. Staring up at me. Taunting me. Where’s my one-on-one rematch? Those coatis don’t play fair! There I was, prisoner in a resort for the week because the coatis are bullies.
Meanwhile Pokin and Nick spent their time working outside around the resorts, because their hotel room really didn’t have a desk and the coatis didn’t dare attack them. I guess this place wasn’t meant for remote work because they said for the whole week they only saw one other person with a laptop to work.
Towards the end of the week, they managed to get one excursion out, to see some Cenotes. I thought about sneaking out but then I learned what Cenotes were. Cenotes are a network underground chamber or cave which contains permanent water all throughout the Yucatan peninsula. There are numerous theories to how they formed, but geologically they are formed from limestone being eroded over time. Young cenotes start out as underground caves, and over time they become partially exposed, fully exposed, and some eventually run fully dry. Many of the cenotes are connected via water currents, making it possible to dive from one network to another. In fact, Yucatan is known to have some of the world’s longest underwater cave systems! My bud and some friends went to visit an open air cenote, and an underground cenote. They ziplined, my bud did backflips, they got nibbled on by fish. They’re weird.

Finally saturday Nov 11 arrived. The day of Rob and Cathey’s wedding. My bud’s friends decided to get married in a Cenote via a Mayan ceremony, which was about a 30 minute drive and then another 20 minute trek through the jungle. It was a mosquito feeding frenzy so I was glad to miss it, but it sounded like a very cool ritual with an emphasis on being kind to the earth.

Pokin being Pokin, was unimpressed with the wedding photographers, and decided to take over photography duties after the ceremony by making Cathey and Rob do a photoshoot, including a trash the dress portion where my bud and her made them get right into the waves. Glad they were happy to get wet. All the while I stayed in the hotel.
Because of the coatis. It’s so unfair.
Eventually Sunday came. Time to head home. With my bud as an escort, I ventured out for a last glimpse of the property. I see a coati dart by in the distance, but the gang seems to have mostly dissipated. I spot some big lizards. I glance down the jungle walk path but I don’t go in.

Maybe it would have been fine to go out more this week. Who knows. Anyway it’s time to go back home. And anyway there are no coatis there.