After the volcano, we stopped at some beach, where the near gale force winds were still definitely present. In fact, it caused a door to rip out of Pokin’s hands and straight into the neighbouring car.
No one wants to remember that, least of all Pokin…so moving along.
We spent our time driving along the south coast before eventually making a decision to head to the Reykjanes peninsula, which is at the south western tip of Iceland for sunset.
Some time back, before I knew we would be headed to Iceland my bud and I watched the Eurovision Song Contest.
I didn’t realize it, but the Volcano Man was shot at the Reykjanes peninsula!

Volcano bear! Volcano bear!
Guarding the land! So many fans!

Then we saw the sunset and went to bed.

No volcano eruption.
Volcanic protector bear!
A timeless hero bear!