With Pokin still out of commission, my bud and I decided to go on a real adventure. We told our Tuk Tuk driver we wanted to visit Kompong Phluk, a ‘floating village’ on the largest lake near Siem Reap. It’s a town that consists of stilt houses that are completely under water for part of the year, and boats that float on the lake and avoid many laws.
Our Tuk Tuk driver failed to mention that it was over an hour away, and that was with him putting the petal to the metal on a highway where we would be passed by trucks and cars at full speed. I have to admit, it was a bit nerve wracking. I guess I asked for an adventure!

We drove past the villages, and ended up hopping on a boat to check everything out.

It was a little scary to know that entire generations were living entirely on little boats like these, completely surviving off of fishing for food in the lake. One of the boats is a school, another is a doctor, this is how life is for many people.
On our way back the Tuk Tuk started kicking up a lot of dust, so Nicholas put on a mask. He didn’t bring one for me, so I promptly made him give me his.

Also, there were cows.