The fallen Moai

On the drive back to the airport we made one last stop and pulled over at Aha Hanga.

I couldn’t resist.  These statues were resting the way I like to nap.

sumi napping-1

Actually though, by 1722, this is the condition in which all the moai on the island were found — face down.

moai napping-1

Once seen as a sign of prosperity and an hommage to ancestors, the twilight years saw a thriving civilization descend into inter-tribal warfare, starvation and cannibalism.  The moai were now a poor reminder of those past times.  So down they went.  By the 1680s, the last of the chiefs and priests were overthrown by the military and the Birdman era began — with its corresponding craziness.

And with that, I am content to going back to my cocoa sipping chocolate eating gaming ways. Easter Island, it’s been a peach.  Or should I say chocolate-covered peach?  Time to go back home Nicholas!