Shortly after my Costa Rica escape, they wrapped me back up in a bearrito towel to suffer in darkness. This went on for months.
“The house is still under construction, you can’t come out”, is the thoroughly lame and totally unconvincing reason my bud gives me.
Then one day I heard the sounds of a luggage roller. I’m cautiously hopeful. “We going somewhere awesome?” I ask my bud. He doesn’t tell me anything. I get stuffed in a bag. Bag > bearrito, so I let it slide. Not even one smack.

Some number of hours later we arrive to our destination. Turns out Pokin and our friend Linda had already been here for some time.

And here turned out to be….Iceland???!! I look at my bud in confusion. “Don’t you remember the last time we went to Iceland“? I ask
My bud shrugged. “Pokin wanted to photograph an erupting volcano.”
“An erupting volcano?! Isn’t that how our last flight got delayed? Is there an erupting volcano in Iceland right now?”
“Well there was…it’s actually been quiet for something like 12 days now.” says Pokin.
I look outside. It looks dark. And damp. Oh boy.
At least I’m not in a bearrito towel.