This weekend we went to Paso Robles to see my bud’s friends, Kurt and Devon get married.
That’s them.

My bud and Pokin cheered them on.

It was my first time to Paso Robles. I didn’t actually realize there was wine country south of Napa. I guess I’ve been ignorant!
After their wedding, it was time to head up to San Francisco for some meetings. Along the way, Pokin wanted to see some castle. It was ok.
Hearst Castle is this crazy building built by the founder of the Hearst Media empire. Apparently he was inspired on a trip to Europe an wanted to build his very own castle in the middle of nowhere, California. It start as a bungalow apparently. Then scope creep happened. It got big. And ridiculous. Now it’s a tourist attraction.

Onward to SF.
Nicholas’ mom really likes lighthouses. I don’t get it, but we went to see one anyway. Here it is.

After that we stayed at a random hotel which was entirely unremarkable until I saw they made me a bear size throne. Nicholas said it was too big for me, but he just doesn’t understand.

This is the perfect throne for me to grow into.