Hiking Maunga Tere vaka

Later in the afternoon, it was back in the car and out to Maunga Tere vaka, yet another extinct volcano and the tallest point on Easter Island at 507m in height.  Out we drove to Ahu Akivi, the starting point of the trail.

There, we ran into some lady who had lost sight of her son during the hike and went back to the parking lot to wait for them.  The 4 of us decided to hike together.

Well 4 until a dog decided to join us.

Make it now 5.


She was entertaining – the dog I mean.  So I didn’t mind the company — well at least until she started to see me like a chew toy.  A chew toy, I am not.


Since it was a nice day out, I decided to stay out of the bag to soak up more of the nice weather.


It was a nice way to get the lay of the land.


Our temporary pet also liked being outdoors, chasing animals.


As we got close to the top, there they were – the lady’s son and her friends.  Nice friends.  Nice son.  They reunited, we continued on.


At the summit, Nicholas rewarded the dog with some water.  Clearly she was thirsty.  She deserved it for accompanying us all the way up.


At which point she decided to leave us.  Ingrate.


Well it just meant more quality bonding time between my best bear bud and I, that’s all.


And we got back to the bottom of the hill in time for the sun to start to set.


Nice hike, overall.

The problem with photographers

The problem with spending time near people who like to take photos is that sometimes, these people want to take photos at some absolutely ridiculous hours.

Take this morning.

I woke up in a car.  Apparently we were at Ahu Tongariki waiting for the sunrise.

Problem is, due to the lack of internet and general consensus from the islanders on when sunrise was, Nicholas and Pokin decided to play it safe and get up at 5:30am.

Let’s go on record to say the sun does not get up in the winter on Easter Island at 5:30am.

Anyway, I woke up in a dark car in an empty parking lot.

Well it started empty.  Next thing I know our car was surrounded by wild dogs.

They just sat outside the car and waited.

I’m going back to sleep.  This isn’t happening.