At this point we’ve been in Iceland for a number of days, and that volcano that Pokin dragged us over here to see has been staying mum.
Not a peep.
Well we were in the area anyway so we may as well see it, near gale force winds be darned. There are 3 parking lots to get to the Fagradalsfjall volcano. The first two involve a 40 minute hike to see the lava, whereas the third lot takes you almost right to the fields. So we picked lot C.
Here’s the starting point. Some enterprising food truck set up a stand right next door to serve hot dogs and lamb stew.

There’s a short hump you go up and over, which takes you into this valley. Most of the lava’s cooled off but you can still see small wisps of smoke.

Here’s a close up of the lava.

You can hike up the ridge of the hill to look right into the crater, but since the volcano wasn’t active we just took a look around and got back in the car. After all, the volcano wasn’t active, it was really windy, and I didn’t want to get blown away.

“THIS is what you dragged us here to see?” I turned to Pokin as we got back in the car.
She shrugged.
Mum’s the word from all volcanos and people, it seems.