My sewing machine arrives!
I was so excited I waited by the window.
And then it was here.
We unboxed it right away and put it to work.
Time to get measured and get an outfit made!
There is a rustle in the woods. Or was it just the wind?
He bides his time, knowing his patience will pay off.
Suddenly, he knows. There is another sound. He turns, he fires with calmness and precision. CuddlePup yelps in excitement as he runs to chase down the ball arrow.
He sits back down, confident of success, given his prowess as a hunter and archer.
We’ve been playing Tomb Raider and Nicholas made me a bow so we could go hunting.
And since Nicholas got a bow for Christmas we can both go together! This Osito turned Bow-sito is a spirit bear to be reckoned with in all forests big and small!
As I wait for the arrival of my sewing machine I wanted to go back to the making of my first outfit.
I’ve always been good at being stealthy, but I finally got the outfit to go with it. All thanks to my best bud Nicholas. He’s the best bear bud a bear could want.
Here I am overseeing the making of my outfit.
Making sure every seam is stitched with precision.
Taking a close look at the results.
And waiting impatiently for its completion before giving my paw of approval.
This is the role I’m born to be in. I’m such a good bear-aucracy free bear boss!
PoOn, Eric, and Quatchi just tried to bribe me to visit them in Vancouver.
They got me cookies. Shaped like bears.
All things considered, that’s pretty persuasive. I mean, the white chocolate cookies have chocolate in them, for starters. They are also white like snow, and I’m a Winter Olympics spirit bear and all.
I guess I better fly up there to claim my cookies before Stitch eats them. Guard them for me, Quatchi!
It’s Valentine’s Day, a day to open your wallets and shop for your loved ones.
So I woke Nicholas up to go shopping.
We wanted to buy bear cards but there weren’t any so we ended up with hologram cards of cats and dogs.
I wrote one for myself. I told myself I was awesome — because I was. I thought of the idea to go shopping after all.
We then bought two boxes of heart shaped chocolates. How better a way to say I love you, best-bud-of-mine than a box of chocolates? Try two boxes of chocolates.
Nicholas wanted to give these to Pokin but I objected. He threatened to leave me at the store so I agreed to a compromise. Big box from me, little box from him, and I get to eat both after we gift them.
We shook paws. He gave me a ride home.
I got to eat my chocolates.
My card said it. I’m awesome and this was a great Valentine’s Day.
I had a good haul. Time to see how Quatchi did.
We caught up over Skype video chat.
He might have had gotten a santa hat that fit but I got more presents. So there.
Each even came with a note!
So many presents, and I hadn’t even gotten to the present my best bear bud got me yet.
I like Christmas.
This oso is oso ready.
Location scouted and secured.
Bring on the presents!
It’s the night before Christmas and I’m kind of feeling a little excited about how many presents under the tree have my name on it.
So excited that I wanted a moment with my best bear bud and his friend Kurt in front of my tree and my anticipated presents.
Big ass tree, big ass number of presents for me — this is the Christmas spirit!
Time to go to bed so I can wake up and start opening more presents!