Valentines Day, Sumi style

It’s Valentine’s Day, a day to open your wallets and shop for your loved ones.

So I woke Nicholas up to go shopping.

We wanted to buy bear cards but there weren’t any so we ended up with hologram cards of cats and dogs.

I wrote one for myself.  I told myself I was awesome — because I was.  I thought of the idea to go shopping after all.


We then bought two boxes of heart shaped chocolates.  How better a way to say I love you, best-bud-of-mine than a box of chocolates?  Try two boxes of chocolates.

Nicholas wanted to give these to Pokin but I objected.   He threatened to leave me at the store so I agreed to a compromise.  Big box from me, little box from him, and I get to eat both after we gift them.


We shook paws.  He gave me a ride home.


I got to eat my chocolates.


My card said it.  I’m awesome and this was a great Valentine’s Day.