Discovery Bay is a resort community situated on Lantau Island. It’s where almost all of the expats of Hong Kong live. It also happened to be the place Pokin grew up. So we decided to hop the ferry over to see how things looked these days.

The ferry terminal is located across from Tsim Sha Tsui so we got a good view of that.

I was able to get a window seat again.

And 25 minutes later we were in DB Plaza.

There are more buildings and bigger trees, but otherwise Pokin thought it looked pretty similar. I guess I’ll take her word for it.
Pokin decided to visit the house she grew up in, so off we went for a quick walk. Thank goodness everything is a short walk because cars are not allowed on Discovery Bay. You either walk, take the local buses, or you have to own a golf cart. That’s right. People get around in golf carts. I thought that was kind of fun. I could see myself driving a golf cart. In fact, I could see it so well I decided to try things out by sitting on one of the golf carts parked on the side of the street.

I prefer the captain ‘s seat.
Anyway, a short walk and about 177 steps later we arrived to her old address: 1A, Middle Lane.

We waited for our cousins to catch up.

Pokin walked around to the other side and found the avocado tree she had planted from a seed. She was all excited that it was still there. It’s probably because it’s grown into a big-ass tree now and it’d be pretty hard to uproot without wrecking a lot of foundation. It’s even got a tree house in it. Pokin tried to peer over the fence and look closer but some jerk dog guarding the backyard starting freaking out like she was an intruder. Ok maybe she was intruder but give the tourists a break.

Well that stupid dog wouldn’t stop barking so we moved on to find the waterfall and ponds Pokin used to play in.
Looks like that’s still there too.

We took some selfies and then decided to head back to the plaza.

Cousin Shirley found some promotion where if you spent at least $120 HKD per person you’d get a free ferry ticket back to Central Hong Kong. So we decided to find a restaurant. Actually though making a decision wasn’t that hard. There was only one chinese restaurant (completely empty) and then every other restaurant was western food with the same combination of pasta, pizza, fish and chips or steak. We settled on Zaks, because it was the biggest and busiest, and because we could sit right by the water. Nicholas got pizza. I took a nap.
Soon, it was time to head back to the ferry pier, where I took one last photo with some hearts.

And then it was back to our hotel where I promptly tucked myself into my bed.

Not a bad day. Pokin seemed really happy which seemed to make Nicholas happy. And a happy bear bud makes for better company for me.