Hiking in Hong Kong : Dragon’s Back Trail

With Nicholas’ friend Daniel in town, I’m being let out of my hotel prison a lot more often than usual.

Today we got to go hiking on one of Hong Kong’s most popular trails, “the Dragon’s Back.”  This trail is on the southeast part of Hong Kong Island, and runs along the top ridge in Hong Kong.  It’s supposed to be scenic and one of Hong Kong’s top 10 trails.

Scenic + Accessible = Hiking at the speed of molasses.

We started off by making sure we had enough energy for the hike.  For Nicholas that meant getting some champagne Chinese milk tea.  It sounds all fancy and has SUCKER written all over it.  It just meant bottles of tea stuck in a bucket of ice at a $10 premium.

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Then we took a bus from the MTR station towards the starting point of the trail —

And got in line to wait for the stream of other hikers to move their way along the trail.  We inched forward on the trail at the pace of the slowest hiker till we eventually reached the top of the ridge.

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View’s not bad.  I got to see where all the HK rich people lived.

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And I saw where the HK paragliders took off from.   This is how humans get to enjoy a taste of what it’s like to fly like me.  This is also where all the curious on-lookers completely halted the slow procession along the trail.

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Well, trail was fine.  I’m glad I went so now I can brag to Quatchi that I’ve trekked on the same trail that ever other person in Hong Kong did during the same weekend.

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